There is growing disquiet in Europe and elsewhere, that democracy and civil liberties in Russia are being weakened. Increasing state control of the media and the judiciary, legislation restricting NGOs and politically-motivated judicial cases all give cause for concern. Furthermore, EU member states often undermine common EU positions on Russia, thus detracting from a strong EU voice in dealing with Russia.
The EU-Russia Centre is to co-host two events on subject of
which will feature key guest speaker
Ms Olga Borisovna Kudeshkina,
Former Judge of the Moscow City Court
Monday 8th February 2010, 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ
A seminar co-hosted by The Bar Human Rights Committee and the EU-Russia Centre
Tuesday 9th February 2010, 4.00pm – 5.30pm
Grimond Room, Portcullis House
Bridge Street London, SW1A 2JH
A seminar co-hosted by The Parliamentary All Party Russia Group, The Foreign Policy Centre and the EU-Russia Centre
Olga Kudeshkina was a Russian judge for over 20 years until 2004 when, as a Moscow City Court Judge, she was dismissed over her statements to public media where she claimed to have come under pressure from the Moscow City Court chairman and the Prosecutor General’s Office in a high-profile criminal case. Subsequently, the European Court on Human Rights upheld Ms Kudeshkina’s complaint and ruled that her dismissal from office was a violation of the freedom of expression guaranteed by Article 10 of the Russian Constitution.
In 2003 Ms Kudeshkina stood as a candidate in the general election for seats in the Duma, the parliament of the Russian Federation and included a programme for reform of the judiciary on her platform.
Недавно директор программы опять-таки Финского института международных проблем Аркадий Мошес и его коллега Минна-Мари Салминен привезли в Брюссель исследование под заголовком «Меньше говорить – больше делать: перспективы безвизового режима ЕС-Россия». Они проанализировали результаты опросов в правительствах и пограничных службах России, Финляндии, Эстонии, Польши, Германии, Италии.
«Да, со стороны ЕС не видно спешки, – согласился с «НИ» г-н Мошес. – Европейское нежелание основано на умозрительных предположениях. Бытуют мнения, что русским безвизовый режим выгоднее, чем европейцам, что с отменой виз масса россиян ринется в Европу, и пограничные службы ЕС не справятся с потоком, и при этом хлынут люди с нестабильного Кавказа, из Центральной Азии, с которой Россия не имеет внятных границ и т.д. Насколько верны эти утверждения – трудно проверить, но они влияют на общее настроение». Источник: Новые известия